GRIMMLAND - Chapter 12

GRIMMLAND - Chapter 12

I debated if I should tell Badroulbadour that everyone was going to be made to plug in tonight.

Although she wasn’t in my region, I could make up a lie and tell whoever was watching her that I would be taking their area for the day due to being on the patrol committee. Then the two of us could stay unplugged if we wanted, and we could decide what to do next, if there was really anything we could do.

While I didn’t know what it would really accomplish, I decided it would be the best course of action—at least, if I wanted to keep Badroulbadour in my life. I made my way to the Arabian Nights area of the park and found some of the maintenance workers beginning to gather individuals. I approached one of them who was named Helena.

“Helena, I am part of the small patrol and have been given orders to help wit this area.”

Helena turned to me, her blond hair glistening in the sun. “Sure thing, we were just about to round up Aladdin and Badroulbadour.”

“Let me take over for that,” I said. “You all can check to make sure the rest have been plugged in for the update, along with your fellow workers.”

They nodded and turned to gather other characters. I hurried over to where Aladdin and Badroulbadour were waiting.

“What is going on?” Aladdin asked. “Is there another updated.

Badroulbadour and I exchanged glances as I nodes. “Yes, there is a big update tonight. The patrol is making sure everyone plugs in to be on the safe side. We don’t want any more instances.”

Aladdin nodded. “That makes sense to me—some of the patrons have even been affected by the  strange bug.” He pointed toward where they usually rest for the night. “Our docking stations are in here.”

I followed Aladdin and Badroulbadour to their docking station. I helped Aladdin get in his and he gave me a thumbs up as she shut off for the update.

I turned to Badroulbadour. “Now what?”

She held up the plug was supposed to use. “This hasn’t been working for weeks. I have been plugging in but it doesn’t connect to anything. None of the maintenance workers have noticed since I act as if I am turned off and I don’t act any different. I have figured out how to not stand out.”

I opened my mouth to ask what she meant by that, but we heard another individuals coming toward. She nodded toward the docking station.

“I will get in. Come back around when everyone is in the update and we will discuss what to do next.”

I nodded as she plugged herself in and appeared to turn off.

All of this was happening faster than I could process, which was saying something since my brain was a computer. I could process multiple patron requests, but I couldn’t come to a conclusion as to what Badroulbadour had to say to me.

Helena came down the corridor and waved. “Did you get everyone situated?”

I nodded. If I wanted to truly follow orders, I should tell her about the malfunction and help her fix it so Badroulbadour would have the update. That’s what anyone else would do. But Badroulbadour trusted me knowing I wouldn’t turn her in or force her to do the update.

Which meant she knew more about what was going on and I had to find out what that was.

“Good. I am going to go on to my station. I will see you in the morning.”

I nodded again. “Right, see you tomorrow.”

I watched as she hurried away, not knowing what would happen that night and how I was going to sneak back in here without anyone noticing.

During the update, there shouldn’t be anyone out and about, but that didn’t mean sensors weren’t going to be going. Perhaps if the update was so big everything would be down.

Or there simply wouldn’t bet anyone to see the sensors so it wouldn’t matter.

There were other AI in my docking station area, so I would need to head back and play the part of a good maintenance worker. I hurried off in the direction of the Beauty and the Beast section and hoped no one would question where I was.

“Chiyo!” Hikaru exclaimed. “Where did you go?”

Darn. Someone did notice. I should have figured.

“I went to help out with the Arabian Nights area—they wanted someone on the task force to double check all the areas.”

He cocked his head to the side. “They did? I wasn’t aware of that.”

“I was pulled aside after the meeting and told to be the one,” I lied. “Since you were already here checking everyone.”

“Oh, I guess that makes sense,” Hikaru said. “Well, anyway, shall we head to our docking station?”

I nodded and followed him toward the docking area. I prayed that he wouldn’t ask to check mine for me, or else I would have to make up some other excuse, which wouldn’t go over as well as my last one.

Our other AI colleagues were there, plugging themselves in. I stood in my area and smiled to Hikaru as he plugged himself in. I acted as if I were going to use to cord as everyone else did and waited for everyone to shut off for the upgrade. Everything went quiet, and there was no movement.

It was now time to find out what Badroulbadour knew.

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